
Old Broads Waxing Poetic Cast : Friday

In gaji of the Old Broads Waxing Poetic book launch  www.amazon.com/dp/1500642800 ,
I am featuring our cast of poets.  Friday - Liza Carens Salerno

It's Liza with a Z, not Lisa with an S - I admit I had a heck of a time as I set up and formatted the book. Had to be super careful to get this author's name correct. But, now that I've read her poems and enjoyed her blog  http://middlepassages-lcs.blogspot.com/   she is Liza from MA and her work speaks to me.

Tight images - waves on the lake, pounding surf at the beach, or wind rustling through trees, and the sound of a train whistle in the distance. She captures a mood, and you can feel the outdoor temperature as you peruse her work. I absolutely love her title Ocular Spring and what it presents.

So, please meet Liza Carens Salerno on her blog, and via her poems in the Old Broads Waxing Poetic collection.

And as a side note, Stephen T. McCarthy won the free copy. His posts on Susan Swiderski's blog gave quite a tale of two old broads. Congrats to Stephen.

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