
A To Z Challenge - O Dear

O dear, no O names in 1920s. Not even Ophelia - you would think that Shakespeare name could stand the test of time

2010 -
Boys - Owen and Oliver made the cut
Girls - Olivia  is it

What shall I pick?   Females:
October (American) born during Autumn. Indeed - I'm an October gal, so this is a good name
Ode - (English/Greek) traveler of the road.  I love to travel, so this hits my heartstrings
Opal - (Sanskriti) a treasured jewel.  I have an opal from Australia - we traveled there and loved it.
Ozora (Hebrew) one who is wealthy.  She can buy lots of opals.

Men -
It's not in my book but I'm going to pick Odibe - former Texas Ranger baseball player.
Obedience (American) a well behaved man. This is fantasy. A totally manufactured man.......
Okal (African )  to cross.  Uh-oh. sounds like trouble in whatever story I write
Owen (welsh)  a wellborn man, a youthful man.  Yes, I like Owen Wilson, so just go with it.

O dear - do you have an O-man in your life?

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