
Movie Review Madness: Captain America - The Winter Soldier

Due to April's A to Z Challenge, I'm behind on presenting movies from April. So this is a tad late, but what the heck. I hope to catch the new X-Men movie this weekend. That will be a current review.  
Captain America: Winter Soldier is another Marvel comic movie and it’s quite good. Chris Evans is so stalwart and good looking – he is the embodiment of a hero. And if you watched the tv show Marvel Agents of Shield, you get story tie-ins and further links to the tale. All in all, this is a fun series with well written action, dialogue, and humor. At times tongue in cheek, Marvel can make fun of itself.

So, Hydra rears its ugly head – this was an offshoot from Nazi Germany. Who is involved in this? Robert Redford is a bigwig who appears dirty. He’s such a great actor. When he and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) face each other, it is a master acting class.  

Who kills Fury? Is he really dead? Who is this Winter Soldier dude who, at times, is more powerful than Captain America? Poor Steve Rogers keeps trying to figure out who’s good and who’s bad. He’s fortunate to have The Black Widow (steamy Scarlett Johansson) by his side and newcomer, Sam – the Falcon. It’s a race against time to replace some computer cards in the new Shield planes. They appear to be corrupted by Hydra and set to blast tons of American targets.

The plot is convoluted. Just know that it is good versus evil, and a time crunch to save the world. You have to root for Captain America and the Marvel entertainment machine. They keep big blockbuster movies challenging and set the kafe high. Stay for the jawaban credits and a sneak peek into the Marvel future.

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