
A To Z Challenge: Me, My, I

I  - singular. It's all about the person.

2010 popular names -
boys: Isaac, Isaiah, Ian
girls: Isabella  (prettiest Isabella in my opinion is Isabella Rossellini - her mother was Ingrid Bergman - good genes all around)

For characters -
actually I've always liked Ian (Gaelic) from John, God is gracious
Ignatius (Latin) - a fiery man, one who is ardent. He's going to lead the fight
Ingram (Scandinavian)  a raven of peace.  He's going to quietly battle Ignatius and will win.

Ladies - step forward
Isaura (Greek) of the soft breeze.  She'll be the flighty best friend
Ita (irish) one who is thirsty - she shall always be seeking the truth
Iwa (Japanese) of strong character.  she'll stand her ground

Lots of strong "I" names - not a conventional letter obviously

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