
Movie Review Madness: The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a Wes Anderson creation, and that can spell weird or wonderful. In this case, you are in for a wonderful  filmmaking treat. The cinematography is cotton candy pastel pretty. You enter a magical world and it transcends a level of shine. The cast is impeccable and the story is all encompassing. Basically a writer, played by Jude Law, meets a man who owns the Grand Budapest (now a bit of a fallen gem).  He dines with the owner (F. Murray Abraham) and hears the story of the past and how he came to own the hotel. It’s quite a fanciful story and you’ll embrace every second.  

Ralph Fiennes plays M. Gustave the premier concierge. Oh he gives service all right – to every golden haired senior lady around. He captivates Tilda Swinton, and she leaves him a painting in her will. Now the family is up in arms. Ralph must flee and he takes the lobby boy with him (that’s the F.M. Abraham character). Are you following? There’s a wild chase all over Europe as love, treachery, theft, loyalty, and service play out.  You’ll need a cheat sheet to identify all of the characters and actors involved. It’s a treat. There’s a prison breakout, a crazy snow chase, and every hotelier around is involved.  

Anderson’s world is magical and you’ll chuckle at every twist and turn in the plot. Ralph Fiennes, often so stodgy, is a comic genius. This is an indie film worth discovering. You’ll want to check in with the lobby boy and stay awhile. Enjoy!

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