
Top Ten Movies Of 2012

Well here we are we didn't die as the Mayan's predicted so I will be wrapping this year up with the Top Ten movies (in my opinion) of 2012. This also shows how much I've come with this Blog because last year I just made a general list of the movies that I didn't have time, or simply didn't get round to reviewing. This year I was able to post my review of whatever newly released movie quickly after I saw it so this year is more traditional.

10.  The Perks of being a Wallflower
A deep dark truthful look at the scary dark times that everyone must endure, High School

9. Amazing Spider-Man
An energetic fun reboot of the Spider-Man franchise that left me feeling hyped as hell for what comes next

8. The Artist
The old way are the best ways and this is a shining example that actions speak so much louder that words 


7. Prometheus
Ambition rarely comes in small packages and this is no such small package that has a massive canvas to paint on and paints in the corners

6. Ted
One of the funniest movies that I've ever seen in the theater and eagerly await Seth McFarland's next movie

5. The Dark Knight Rises
The conclusion to one of the greatest Superhero trilogies as well as one of the greatest Trilogies period

4. The Avengers
A true superhero movie thru and thru with characters that are true to their roots and believes in heroes

3. Chronicle
Superheroes are like any other genre there is more than one way to tell their story and this turns the Genre and makes it the most original well pulled-off from the last ten years

2. Seven Psychopaths
The ability to point out the the cliches within ones own medium is one thing but the pint them out as well as embrace them, play them out and keep the experience fresh and exciting is remarkable. Generously throw in a few memorable images and more that a few of some of the best characters and lines for the characters to read out and you have an instant classic

1. Samasara
Movies are a world unto themselves, this one has our world, all of it. Words to explain it are too few, enlightening, gorgeous, insightful, perfect, essential are some of the words that come to me off the top of my head, I recommend this movie to every man woman and child from wherever they are across this big wide world of ours
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