
Seven Psychopaths Review

Seven Psychopaths is probably the darkest of all of the Dark Comedies that I've ever seen. It holds back nothing while still managing to keep one foot in the realm of respectable taste. It has no morale's nor does it have any mercy for the characters in the whole film but still it has integrity that makes it one of the most delicious movies of the year.

The movie starts with two gangster thugs that are in the middle of an in-depth discussion about shooting people through the eyeball. One of the gangsters is played by Michale Pitt, great to know that he's got some work after Boardwalk Empire. While the conversation goes on a masked man casually walks up behind them and shoots them both dead. OK so this isn't one of Michale Pitt's highlights.

The movie stars a Hollywood screenplay writer named Marty (Colin Farrell) who has a screenplay in the works called Seven Psychopaths, and that's about it. He spends most of the day hanging around with his dead beat, Dog stealing friends and drinking, a lot apparently. Grace Randolph made an interesting statement on one of her shows saying that Colin Farrell is really a comedian, that may just be true, one of his greatest roles is In Bruges were Farrell is playing up the funny. Farrell's other roles haven't really worked out for him in the long run but with comedy he seems to be at home with and he pulls it off with great finesse

This is Writer/Director Martin McDonagh's second film since his debut In Bruges, which is a fine piece of film-making that has sharp talking, witty characters but also has a message and a sopan santun to it. Fun story, once one of my friends asked me to describe In Bruges and I said "imagine if Guy Richie had something to say". Martin McDonagh, unlike Guy Richie is not his worst enemy and knows how to balance his screenplay's with both characters and story, and also his characters are more than just wise cracking mouths.

Marty's two friends consist of Billy (Sam Rockwell) a lazy completely spaced out weirdo who has set up his own business of stealing dogs from rich people and then returning the dogs to the owners a day or two later and claiming the reward. The other is Hans played by the great Christopher Walken, who could have, given the material, fallen into self parody but surprisingly delivers one of his most controlled and subtle performances, as-well as delivering some of the most gut busting lines in the movie. The movie made me think, if someone has a gun and points it at another person and tells them to put their hands up, but that person doesn't comply then what? a pretty awkward situation that's for sure.

Of-coarse one day Billy steals the wrong dog, he steals a dog that is owned by a particularly vicious gangster played by Woody Harrelson who doesn't like anybody, hates most of them but has a just plain freaky love for his little Shih Tzu. I'm pretty sure the only reason the dog is a Shih Tzu is because it means the characters get more of chance to say "Shit".

One note to make about the movie is that psychopath means someone who is mentally unstable and acts it out through violence, most of these people fall into this category, but being that Hans and Marty are pacifists they don't qualify, sociopaths maybe? Of course this has nothing to do with the movie I just wnted to enlighten my reader.

The main aspect of the movie that I admire most about it is that it is self aware of the standard movie cliches about the moment of doubt and the simpulan action scene at the end. This is something I didn't expect to actually see in a real movie more of a comic book. Still throughout all this self analysis the movie keeps the suspense and throughout it I had no idea on how the movie was going to end. The endings great.

Seven Psychopaths gives us more than some severely unstable people it gives us some memorable, colorful and enjoyable characters that are a delight to see and hear. It points to the Hollywood cliches but also embraces them and celebrates them. A psycho may be dangerous but there certainly some of the most interesting people that you'll ever meet.

Rating: 4 stars out of 4
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