
50Th Post

Here I am with my fiftieth post! when I started this blog I would have never guessed that I would have made it this far, so I have decided that on my fiftieth post that I will reflect over the year and a half I've been posting on this blog as-well as future posts that I have planned.

This blog was not started by me but my sister, she and my mother both said that I should channel my enthusiasm for movies and actually write about them and I would always say "I'd love to". But I also don't like it when something gets forced on me and I get put on the spot, so naturally that's exactly what my sister did, she set the blog up right in-front of me and pretty me said to me right there and then "go on write something!". I don't like situations like this and if I was going to have a blog I wanted to do it in my own time so I just left it be for a while.

Then it came on me one night while I couldn't sleep and I was having a surge of enthusiasm for an animated movie I watched recently about a DC comic book character and I spent most of the time just typing away and then next thing I knew it was half three in the morning and I had produced my first movie review.

My first review is not that bad for my first time, I knew how to write movie reviews because I was continuously reading Roger Ebert's movie reviews (and I  still do) so I got the gist. Over the months I would review whatever I felt like and have continued to refine my writing style over the past forty-nine posts. I think the most important part of the blog is when I decided to do the Star Trek month, because it gave me a deadline to work to and helped discipline me and by the end I think you can see an obvious learning curve.

As for the posts that I'm most proud of is probably my Alan Moore Swamp Thing review, its still stands as the biggest thing that I've ever written and may just hold that title for a long time, the other is probably the Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad review, its a great anime and I think I put a lot of genuine emotions in that review. Others like the Supergods review I just feel are really well done and the Samsara review captures my enthusiasm for the movie.

If there are any regrets I have it's two things, one is that I have too many positive reviews on the blog, its because I'm very particular about the movies I see in the cinema and the bad ones I make an effort not to see again and to simply not think about. The other is that I never got to add Batman Under The Red Hood to my list of Great Movies while I was reviewing Batman movies in anticipation for The Dark Knight Rises, I don't really know why it was just something that slipped through the cracks, ow well I know I'll get round to it someday.

Finally for future posts, I have a lot planned. Firstly I plan to see both Seven Psychopaths and The Hobbit next week so you can expect reviews on those movies. Next I plan to have my last post the same it was last year a Best of the Year list. As for the posts that I plan to do but have no specific date for it planned are Grant Morrison's New X-Men, Punk Rock Jesus, American Gods, all the Superman Movies, Psycho Great Movie and Neil Gaiman's Sandman. Big projects in mind, no telling if I'll get to do them all through next year but I'll certainly try, beyond that I have a rule to myself that I will always keep up the average passe of at least one post per month.

Well here we all are with ambition and enthusiasm  for the next year, that is if we don't all DIE! on December the 22nd. As of now while I'm typing this my blog has had "16545" hits whether they be people looking for me, the reviews I write about or just people who came on the blog mistakenly I am thankful to all of them and I have no idea what I'm going to do for post 100.
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