
The Wolf Of Wall Street Review

There are few films that I can think of that are as daring, as vivid and as a better example to why Martin Scorsese is a living legend and will live on far after his time.

The Wolf Of Wall Street is the story about Jordan Belfort one of the greatest money tycoons the ever live. Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, is a great businessman, with a handsome face and a raging addiction for every illegal drug known to man as well as hookers for all of depraved acts. Like last year DiCaprio delivers an electrifying character portrayal as a truly despicable, morally bankrupt human being.

Belfort's rise and inevitable fall is paralleled to that of Tony Montana (Scarface), Henry Hill (Goddfellas) and Sam Rothstein (Casino). Belfort is the most despicable of them all (at least tied with Montana). Whats interesting is that Belfort really should be unlikeable, but there is something to DiCaprio's charm and way that he pulls him off that keep you entertained and wanting to see what happens next with him.

 Mathew McConaughey stars as Jordan's first boss on Wall Street. He only really has one scene in the movie but it is such a crucial part of the movie and he owns it so well I wouldn't be surprised if he was nominated for an Oscar.

Belfort is eventually joined by Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill). He is a weird, bizarre, lowly human being that is so messed up and funny at the same time. Hill looks hilarious too with big horn rimmed glasses and huge buck teeth. His chemistry with DiCaprio is one of the greatest that I've seen in a movie, very few times have two actors had such good chemistry on screen together. I never though this would happen but Hill deserves an Oscar for his performance.

Scorsese is one of mine as well as so many others favorite directors. Scorsese is seventy-one years old and he is still just as fresh, experimental and as shocking as he was back in the early seventies. And if you listen carefully to one phone call that happens early on in the movie, I believe you can hear him making his Hitchcock cameo in the movie.

Terrence Winter is the writer and he delivers a massive, meaty script. Packed with obrolan and character moments, as well as flat out decadence. Some scenes, or even most scenes do technically go on too long but it doesn't matter because the characters and their obrolan is so riveting I would have been happy if they just kept going and going.

If you are a fan of Scorsese's movies and you watch either/both The Sopranos and Boardwalk Empire. Then consider that a taster for some of the content in this movie. There is a lot of nudity and full on frontal nudity (all from women) within the movie. Most of the time there is very little reason for it. This may take the cake for the most explicit move that I have ever seen, not the most violent, but the sheer amount of graphic images that are so shockingly put right in-front of the audience is one of the most outrageous movie going experiences that I have ever experienced.

People should be warned, or delighted to learn that the movie is just under three hours long. Yes that's right this is a long movie, but it is so worth it. The story always has something going on and moves and when it slows down the characters are so wacky and enjoyable that they can fill in the space.

Like Goodfellas and Casino Scorsese incorporates the use of voice over to convey the thoughts and reflections of the character to the audience. There are even a few times when we get to hear what some of the other characters are thinking and its used to great effect. 

Special credit needs to go to Thelma Schoomaker, who has edited all of Scorsese's movies since Raging Bull. The editing in a masterwork with snappy, flawlessly executed cuts that work as great punctuation for the setting and feel for the movie that is all its own. Shoomaker, who is seventy-four years old, also shows no sign of letting the years slow her down.

The Wolf Of Wall Street is indeed a wolf, it has its pack, it has its need for blood and violence. But in truth if your a part of the pack then its a good group to be in. Scorsese was, is and always shall be one of the greatest masters of cinema to ever live and this movie is a animal to prove that hes here to stay

Rating: 4 stars out of 4
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