
Prometheus Review

Ridley Scotts Alien and the adventures of Ripley have become the stuff of legend ever since the original film made its debut in 1979. Now Scott is back and seeks to tell the origin of the world of how the whole saga came to be.

The beginning of the movie is one of the most interesting I've seen. We see what one can only wonder is Earth in its early beginnings and an alien (no not that alien) stands on the ledge of a waterfall as it drinks a black liquid and it kills it and then it falls into the waterfall as its particles mix with the earth. What could this possibly mean? Is this our origin? Were we the offspring of a alien sacrifice. If so the movie is clearly saying "Fuck Darwinism" but this scene can be viewed and interpreted by nearly any number of ways and parallels can be drawn to any number of ancient theory's of our origin.

Prometheus is a big movie, big on scale, big on special effects and especially big ideas. After all it puts forward one of the oldest and questions to ever exist as well as one of the first questions that everyone has asked themselves once in their life time, who crated us? We technically get the answer but not without raising its own questions.

Ridley Scott hasn't visited this world for over thirty years and I wondered why he chose to return now? After exiting the film I still don't have a real answer, I don't know why, perhaps Scott just had a story to tell here and luckily he tells it very well. I was worried because over the last decade Scott has turned out some very uneven work, American Gangster was great while Hannibal was...meh!  But luckily he comes equipped with a solid screenplay, a stellar cast and the right amount of focus, enthusiasm and ideas to bring to this project.

The cast is very good with very capable actors, but definitely the one that stands out the most is Michael Fassbender as the android David. This is one of the great emotionless performances since Lenard Nimoy as Spock, he caries himself so sleek with that quirk that we cant seem to put our finger on until you realize that he has no humanity. He watches and observes and even mimics but he has no soul, the performance almost works by making his inside hollow he creates depth to the character. He also gets his chance to do his Peter O'Toole impression and yes, its very good.

One of the main questions that I'm sure a lot of people are wondering and certainly it was one of my main questions throughout the anticipation of the movie was "do we ever see the Aliens". Well the answer is a lot more complicated and sophisticated than a simple "yes". Along with our origin the film also answers the question of how the "Aliens" came to be.  

Prometheus is said to give us answers but it really only gives us a handful and raises much more. But what would happen if we did journey out into that never ending universe and seek the answers to our origin, we would probably not get the answers we would like and rather have to deal with a sad fact or have to endure a much more complicated answer than we could have ever thought of before. The answers are few and the questions have only just begun.

Rating: 3 1/2 stars out of 4
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