
Movie Review Madness - Hustlers

Oh Baby. I've always liked Jennifer Lopez and she is beyond Jenny on the Block in this movie. She OWNS the freaking block - Manhattan, Wall Street - at night, when men are looking for some fun/trouble.

Hustlers is based on a real story and it's hot. It's gritty, female empowerment, working hard for the money, and it's entertaining. Destiny (Constance Wu) is caring for her grandmother and trying to make a living. She's dancing at a club and as the new girl is aced out of the big bucks.

Fortunately, she plays it smart and gets in good with Ramona (Jennifer Lopez). Ramona is a star - she's rolling in the dough and sees potential in Destiny, takes her under wing, and teaches her how to dance and play these Wall Street fools. It's all business. The hustle at the club is grand until 2008 and Wall Street explodes. The economy busts and times are hard. We see it all.

Then after a few years, a child for Destiny - she reunites with Ramona. New opportunity. New and old contacts to hustle, and Ramona has it figured out. Here's where it's dicey - drugging the guys, maxing their credit cards...hey, no one squeals because who wants to be out-hustled by some strippers? Until....

This is a slick, entertaining movie with good acting, a solid story, and it's not a stripper with hearts of gold. It's a bit down and dirty. Thumbs up. This is J-Lo at the top of her game. Don't laugh. She's darn good. And as Ramona says, "This world is like a strip club. There's always someone throwing money, and someone dancing."   Think about it!    Hustlers!
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