
Jupiter Ascending Review

Jupiter Ascending is a movie that is style, special effect and lavish production values over nearly any kind of substance.

The plot is difficult to explain, or I didn't really understand it. There are other lifeforms in the universe, Earth is only a small part of the great kingdom that runs the galaxy. There is also a family that is the richest and most powerful that seeks Earth for reasons, this particular family is run by three siblings. There is also the reincarnation of their mother on Earth, reincarnation works as a form of genetics. People need her because of political rights, so they send bounty hunters after her.

The girl in-question is Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) who's father is murdered before she was born, and lives with her mothers side of the family, getting up at 4:30am to clean toilets in the best hotels. Even though she could never afford it she has an eye for the beautiful jewellery and fancy dressy. On her trail are bounty hunters one is Caine (Channing Tatum) a genetically engineered ex-solider with elf ears and dog teeth.

Mila Kunis is quite good in the movie. She handles the unbelievability of the whole situation with a cynical, real girl feel. Channing Tatum is fine as this part animal bounty hunter, he has to do things like growl and he downplays it as much as he can. In a lesser actors hands this would be an embarrassing performance but with Tatum in the lead he is able to come out of the movie with his reputation intact.

To be sure this is a good looking movie, the costumes and ships are impractical as anything but they are still beautiful. The dresses, the sets, the creatures all look like something out of great science fiction or fantasy illustration. Unfortunately the screen becomes too packed with so much things on-screen at the same time and becomes a struggle to get a grasp on what your meant to look at or even what it is your looking at.

I find that I'm unable to truly hate a good looking movie. After all a movie is, if nothing else, a visual medium. So if a movie is putting something on-screen that is dazzling to the eye, then is that not the purpose of a movie? To be sure there is more to it but the visuals are most prominent.

Eddie Redmayne is the villain Balem, he is genuinely terrible here. I have no idea what he is doing or why the Wachowski's thought is was good. There is zero subtelty or control to the performance. It is however fascinating to see an actor just cut loose like this.

Michael Giachino delivers a solid score that is epic, sweeping and with some string work that is reminiscent of Bernard Herman. But ganjal he is peppering a meal that is not very good to begin with and it does not save it.

This has all the cliches that the Wachowskis are known for, the chosen one, messy plot, too strong an emphasis on visuals not enough on basic characters and weird moments of fetichism.

The movie plays out and there is obrolan that you can barely grasp, then there will be an action scene that goes on too long. You must establish characters first and then play out the action so that we care about them, but the movies soul focus is to dazzle not to engage. That means that what we see is basically lights and noise.

As bad as the movie is it is memorably bad. This is not a simply forgettable movie this is a movie you will remember and complain about, but you may also want to revisit it on a drunk nigh with your friends.

This is a movie that might work better in seeing it in Youtube clips rather than a whole movie. Just tune into the cool looking parts and know that your missing out on context, but thats ok because theres little if you'd watch the movie anyway.

Rating: 2 stars out of 4
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